puff adder Bitis arietans

Author: Intesar Salih

Puff Adder Bitis arietans (local Name: Nawama, Lafaha)


Specimens collected from Sudan were 55-77cm in length, 42-89 tail length, color is grey, may be brown, juvenile tend to be rufous, has Pale line between the eyes. Dorsal pattern consists of   V-shapes pointing towards the tail. dorsal scales are keeled; in 27–39 rows at midbody; ventrals 131–143; subcaudals 19–39, slow moving, in Sudan called Nawama (sleeper).

Distribution in Sudan:

This species was recorded from the Blue Nile, Kordofan, Darfur White Nile, Kassala, Sennar, and Gadarif states  .


Dangerous, Bite should be treated as medical emergency. Envenoming by this species result in fever, leukocytosis, severe soft tissue hemorrhage, anemia, and  nicrosis may be extensive requiring the amputation of the bitten digit or even part or all of the bitten limb.