Desert Beauty Calopieris eulimene

Desert Beauty  Calopieris eulimene 


It is the only species belong to genus Calopieris. Sex a like, the upperside wings colored white above, with black markings, and orange patch on the extremity, underside wings are white with orange veins, black spot found in the two sides of wings.


Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt (specifically the region of Jebel Alba in the disputed triangle of Hala’ib between Sudan and Egypt), Saudi Arabia, and Yemen.

Distribution in Sudan:

 Locally common but restricted to a few localities. Recorded from River Nile, Khartoum, Northern Kordofan, and Red Sea states.


This species found in sandy areas within semi-desert and desert, as well as rocky hills where its host plant, Capparis decidua, is found. It is also recorded in bush country and the savanna region. Well-adapted to desert life, it displays the remarkable ability to withstand high temperature. Its distribution is intricately connected to the prevalence of the desert plant Capparis decidua (Tundub). The nectar from the plant’s flowers provides nourishment for adult butterflies, while its leaves exclusively serve as the caterpillars’ food source.

Calopieris eulimene – underside
Calopieris eulimene – upperside
Calopieris eulimene feeding from Capparis decidua (Tundub) flowers

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